Sorry Cody. Wasn't trying to draw you into a mess.
Still glad you posted those photos.

We bombard the woods during the peak of the rut...sometimes before the peak with hundreds of thousands of hunters and kill tens of thousands of bucks over the course of a couple days.

Yes, estrous does do not get bred. They end up going through multiple estrous cycles over several months. Bucks and does end up rutting during winter months...when they should be conserving energy. Come spring, those deer have alot of catching up to do...just to get their bodies back in decent condition.

Late fawns are the product...and those deer create a snowball affect. The yearling doe, born a couple months later than nature intended, is not going to cycle on time either....and if bred, will produce another late born fawn of her own the following summer.

Unfortunately, while it is not rocket science, some will never get it (or at least admit it). Our gun season timing is only off (early) by a week, sometimes two...but God forbid we ever change that....and yes, while not really necessary, I would jump on a complete shutdown during that timeframe if that's what it takes to get people on board.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.