Originally posted by John Scifres:
Are you two really this immature? Find a new forum.
No John.........some are just standing up to crap that goes on and goes on.... and confront it for EXACTLY what it is. In this case ...Brew knows that "Trespassing" would not even be considered at a prosecution level for leaving a note.......BUT.......he wants to smear others good reputations for his own entertainment and own personal egotistical slanderous purposes.......his "Trademark".
Some don't passively bury our heads and just go to other Forums...... we confront Troll's like that.......we single them out, isolate them, and put good logic behind our confrontation of them so that others getting into hunting know what not to be like. As more do this confronting .........those types like Brew get exposed for who they really are.
Sorry if you see that as "immaturity".......