Originally posted by Scarlett Dew:
Originally posted by BREW...:
Originally posted by trapperDave:
[b] if its not on your property, suck it up and deal with it. No law is broken. Nothing you can do. Let your presence be known wink
And trespassing to place a note on some else's stand on there OWN property is way out of bounds!!! The things some do when they believe there above the law never ends.....SMH [/b]
Not trying to be above the law....... and every last note I have left since the early 1980's till present day, has lead to a good initial conversation. Not once have I ever had someone even hint that they would prosecute for trying to have/initiate a good conversation......... just like I never had a farmer try to prosecute me for trespassing for walking up to his tractor when out in his field as I ask for permission to hunt or talk with him, or leave a note for a landowner to call me on his house door on his property to see if I can go fishing on his pond....

Most people know a good person ....... from an "angry at the world" dumb azz that is just about stirring up s h i t in an effort to "keep the planets aligned". wink

Been a rough few weeks for you hasn't it Brew.... LOL!!! [/b]
Nope just stating the facts...Trespasser is a Trespasser....sorry if that hits home for you and your type! And believe it or not even good people need to follow the law... :rolleyes:

Are you trying to call someone a dumb azz DEW?? Our are you just being your usual attacking self centered self? Maybe you need to go shave in mirror and practice your signature line...lol

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"