As deer hunting quality continues to fall due to Prop 2.0 Agressive Slaughter our deer #'s..... This is going to be a more common occurance>>>> Property line hunting on properties that have been taken care of and are still excellent hunting.

We approach this twofold....

1) We leave a note on the stand with a phone # to call for discussion of the stand placement. When making that request, we have had 100% participation in a returned call. Place the note in a zip lock bag and secure it to the stand..... They will find it.

2) when they call you back, thank them for doing such. Start off on the right foot. Assure them you want to have a good experience as they want too during hunting. We make sure then to go over our list of "rules" ie, "don't shoot on to our property", "don't track a deer on us without us with them".... Etc, Etc....

Then we ask them what their rules for us are.... And we listen to what they need. It usually ends up in a good conversation most of the time.... And instils accountability. I ALWAYS end the conversation with thanking them again as we know they are good people and we don't want them snagged in prosecution since we have a zero tolerance policy.

Again.... 95% of the time it ends up good..... And the 5% of the time it doesn't .... We prosecute and they leave, but knew they had it coming from the accountability I hold them and myself to from our very first conversation.

If you want to protect your property.... You cannot be passive..... You will get run over, and more and more will come to run you over. Being assertive to discussion before there is trouble is a good move. Just remember the saying "a good fence makes a good neighbor".... And sometimes the "fence" is simply a conversation.

One more thing.... I prefer face to face conversations with these people.... It "sticks" better.

Hope this helps....

Site Administrator

"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"