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HB1453 - high fence preserves #10687
01/14/2015 10:11 AM
01/14/2015 10:11 AM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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HB1453 - high fence hunting preserve bill has been introduced by Rep. Sean Eberhart:

There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10688
01/14/2015 10:33 AM
01/14/2015 10:33 AM
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Jeff Valovich Offline
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Jeff Valovich  Offline
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Who's in his back pocket ??

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10689
01/14/2015 11:31 AM
01/14/2015 11:31 AM
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jbwhttail Offline
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Deer farmers, and he is in a Republican district where Dems will not run against him and the Repblican party will not let anyone else run in the primary.

If you ever talked to him he is arrogant and will tell you he is untouchable!

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10690
01/14/2015 11:53 AM
01/14/2015 11:53 AM
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jbwhttail Offline
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The Legislature is tired of dealing with this issue! This will pass without a LARGE citizen uprise, All legislators supporting the bill is a non win, you will not change Bill Friend, Eberhart, Steele, Yoder, Messmer mind.

I fear we do not have people who are willing to call their legislators and voice their opinion. Understand, the IDNR has NO say, they are not being asked, This is the Republicans in power (yes I tend to vote strongly Republican) saying this is business and boosts the Indiana economy.

Eberhart in the summer study committee meeting asked the Wisconsin state Veternarian, "so if there is no cure for CWD and we are going to get it anyway why not just go ahead and make shooting preserves legal?" This was after he spent the entire time the speakers were warning of CWD texting on his phone nad not paying any attention to what they were saying. The gentleman from Wisconsin answered......... "I know I'm going to die someday but do I want to rush it?" Eberhart just smiled.

IDNR and the Indiana Wildlife Federation brought the best professionals to the summer study committee to warn of the risks and costs to Indiana, our representatives ignored them!

It is now in the hands of the public, or soon will be. I have resigned myself that it is going to pass. Sportsmen groups have spent years of personal time on this issue and all for nought.

I am not a facebook person but if we ever needed the power of socail media this is the time.

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10691
01/14/2015 02:38 PM
01/14/2015 02:38 PM
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Freetown, IN 47235
varmint101 Offline
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Well that sucks if it rolls like that. Sounds like typical politics where money not common sense makes all the laws and exceptions.

"The bottom line is, if you shoot something, be proud of it. If you can't be proud of it, don't shoot it. God didn't create any "justs." Neither should bowhunters." -Dwight Schuh
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10692
01/14/2015 03:36 PM
01/14/2015 03:36 PM
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John Scifres Offline
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John Scifres  Offline
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Don't give up Joe. I think you'd be surprised how much weight your opinion carries.

I don't tweet but I know Facebook some. Mebbe we should start a page???

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10693
01/14/2015 06:04 PM
01/14/2015 06:04 PM
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jjas Offline
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Originally posted by John Scifres:
Don't give up Joe. I think you'd be surprised how much weight your opinion carries.

I don't tweet but I know Facebook some. Mebbe we should start a page???

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10694
01/15/2015 11:47 AM
01/15/2015 11:47 AM
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jbwhttail Offline
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Thanks for the kind words John, quite frankly there are several people who have fought this battle each year since 1999. The legilature has grown weary of this issue, they also are tired of the same few people being the opposition. The legislators are not hearing from people in their home districts.

I truely believe this is the "last stand" for the legislature, sportsmen and the high fence preserves. the deer farmers are going to continue, what we need is to stop the high fence operations. We need someone in Shelbyville (Ebehart's district) to step up and write an letter to the editor for the Shelbyville paper. We have people who can help craft a letter explaining how House Rep Eberhart has been "bought" (deer farmers are his 2nd highest contributor) and how taxpayers are on the "hook" when CWD comes to Indiana on a trailer. We need a person in Shelbyville who can contact deer hunting friends and show up at a town hall meeting and ask Mr Eberhart "why". We are sure most deer hunters in his district do not want high fence killing pens.

Shortly we will post "target" senators and house reps who we believe can be swayed. We have the list of yeas and neah from last year as well as newly elected Reps and Senators.

Bottom line we need a grass roots opposition to win this issue. If not with the Repulican party as structured today in Indiana this will pass as promoting business. Farm Bureau while remaining silent is supporting this as good agriculture opportunity for small land owners. And we all know Farm Bureau carries a big stick in Indiana policy.

Anyone who wants to help can post or do it thru a private pm, we have the information we just need help in a few districts.

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10695
01/15/2015 11:52 AM
01/15/2015 11:52 AM
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delaney Offline
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Private emails would be the preferred approach.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10696
01/15/2015 03:27 PM
01/15/2015 03:27 PM
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Bryan78 Offline
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Every year I get a survey from him and Sen. Leising and I always go to their webpage and give them my thoughts on this and I have never gotten a response from either from of them on this subject...

Last year I even went to other State Reps. websites and never gotten a response from them but I did let them know how I felt on it...

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10697
01/16/2015 07:13 PM
01/16/2015 07:13 PM
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Terry S. Singeltary Sr. Offline
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Terry S. Singeltary Sr.  Offline
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>>> Who's in his back pocket ??

see ;

Thursday, January 15, 2015

INDIANA HB1453 - high fence hunting preserve bill has been introduced by Rep. Sean Eberhart and he received monetary contribution from Indiana Deer and Elk Farmers Advocates INC.

kind regards, terry

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10698
01/17/2015 06:46 AM
01/17/2015 06:46 AM
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THROBAK  Offline
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seeing their all from shipsi I assume Ammish Deer Farmers

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10699
01/20/2015 06:58 PM
01/20/2015 06:58 PM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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It appears likely that hearing for HB1453 will take place Monday.

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Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10700
01/21/2015 06:10 AM
01/21/2015 06:10 AM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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Oddly the SENATE will beholding their Natural Resources Committee meeting at the same projected time - 10 AM Monday:

On the agenda is the Constitutional right to hunt and fish.

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Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10701
01/21/2015 08:39 AM
01/21/2015 08:39 AM
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Fishers, IN USA
DNA Offline
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Contact you State Legislator and oppose HB 1453 that would legalize Canned deer hunts in Indiana.

Indiana Conservation and Hunting Organizations
Oppose Canned Hunting – HB1453

The Indiana Wildlife Federation (IWF)
Indiana Division of the IzaakWalton League
Indiana Sportsmen’s Round (ISR)
Indiana Deer Hunters Association
Indiana Bow Hunter Association
Indiana Conservation Alliance
Quality Deer Management Association
Many other conservation and hunting organizations oppose
“canned hunting” in Indiana.

Indiana Voters Strongly Object to Shooting Wildlife in Enclosures
Mason-Dixon Poll of Indiana Voters found 80% of voters oppose canned
1100 Indiana citizens signed the petition “Say NO to shooting deer in
fenced enclosures – canned hunting.”

Indiana Conservation and Hunting Organizations Oppose Canned Hunting – HB1453
Indiana conservation and hunting organizations call for a BAN ON IMPORTS of captive deer. 21 states have banned the importation of at least some species of captive raised deer. Indiana needs to reduce the risk of CWD coming into the state, threatening the wild deer herd and the associated wild deer hunting economy of over $300 million annually.

Captive deer shooting preserves violate ethical standards.
Hunting captive deer that cannot escape from enclosed pens violates principle of fair chase.
Shooting tame, farm raised, deer in a pen just for their large antlers is not ethical.
Hunting preserves undermine the Indiana’s long held wildlife management philosophy that all wildlife are held in public trust and managed by the state for all citizens.
The health of Indiana’s wild deer herd is threatened when captive deer are held in high density populations and disease occurs.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a contagious neurological disease that quickly spreads among captive herds and is transmitted by animal to animal contact or animal to soil contact.
Soil contaminated with CWD carries the disease vector, called prions, for years, and deer must be excluded from the area to avoid spreading the disease.
There is no cure for CWD. Death is always the result.
Indiana has had outbreaks of bovine TB in deer and cattle in recent years. Further bovine TB
outbreaks could jeopardize the Indiana beef producer industry.
The interstate transportation of deer to hunting preserves also contributes to health concerns.
Hunting preserves often import deer from out of state to meet the demand for trophy bucks. If
the deer carries CWD, the disease can jump to the receiving state. Importation of captive
raised deer should be banned.
Captive deer shooting preserves threaten Indiana’s economy and put taxpayers at risk.
Deer hunting in Indiana contributes over $300 million annually and supports >1600 jobs.
Anything threatening Indiana’s wild deer population would have a negative economic impact.
CWD management in Indiana would cost the state huge amounts of money. Taxpayers are liable for captive deer herds condemned due to disease. Hunters and anglers license fees are spent to fund State monitoring and management of CWD.
Twenty-three (23) states now have CWD in wild and/or captive deer populations and have spent literally millions of dollars of their state’s natural resources budget to combat CWD. Six states have been added in the last two years and all were associated with captive deer facilities
and moving captive deer.
Wisconsin has spent more than 50 million dollars in attempting to control the spread of CWD.

Contact: Barbara Simpson, Executive Director, Indiana Wildlife Federation, 317.875.9453,

Read the Indy star investigative report on this Industry Buck Fever.

Buck Fever Intro: An investigation of captive deer hunting, breeding industry

Buck Fever Intro: An IndyStar investigation uncovers the growth and associated risks of deer breeding and farming—an industry that is compromising ethics and...


"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10702
01/21/2015 02:34 PM
01/21/2015 02:34 PM
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jbwhttail Offline
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NOW, is the time to start contacting your legislators!

Is there anything we are missing here to help you craft an email to your representative? It would appear to me DNA gave us several talking points.....

All of the House and Senate members hold "town hall" meetings, this is the best time to make your representative to make a position comment.

This vote is up to sportsmen, the palms are greased and backslaps are done......PLEASE make your position known.

Eberhart will hear the bill on Monday, NO ONE need to attend he is bought and paid for..... SAD.

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10703
01/21/2015 03:00 PM
01/21/2015 03:00 PM
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jjas Offline
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I've contacted my lawmakers every time this mess comes up and will do so again.

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10704
01/21/2015 05:52 PM
01/21/2015 05:52 PM
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bean Offline
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Contacts made AGAIN!!!

Fishing and honeybee time
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10705
01/21/2015 06:45 PM
01/21/2015 06:45 PM
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Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10706
01/22/2015 01:05 PM
01/22/2015 01:05 PM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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3 agenda items for the House Committee:

HB1208 (Extra antlered licenses); HB1453 (High fence preserves); HB1471 (Statewide trail policy).

3 agenda items for the Senate:

SJR2 (Right to hunt and fish); SB226 (exotic animal permits); SB120 (invasive species coouncil)

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Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10707
01/23/2015 12:27 PM
01/23/2015 12:27 PM
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jbwhttail Offline
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Contacted my Rep and Senator today.

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10708
01/23/2015 03:45 PM
01/23/2015 03:45 PM
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76chevy Offline
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Is there a way to put together a letter with those talking points we all can send/email which specifically outlines our opposition to high fence/killing pens bills?

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10709
01/23/2015 04:24 PM
01/23/2015 04:24 PM
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jbwhttail Offline
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Again this year high fence deer hunting is on the agenda, Representative Eberhart is the House sponsor and will hear it in committee on Monday January 26th. Last year Senator Long sent this issue to summer study committee, IDNR and sportsmen brought to the meeting the best Chronic Wasting Disease(CWD) experts. ALL of the federal and state experts testified that making High Fence Deer Shooting Facilities legal was of too high risk. Once Indiana gets CWD in the deer herd it will be here forever! Today 34 states have CWD, 22 of the states have verified that it was introduced to their state via a pen raised deer coming in on a trailor to either a deer farm or a shooting facility. Is a 50 million dollar annual cottage industry worth risking the 300 million deer hunting annual revenue in Indiana? Below are facts, I hope we can count on your vote as a no when it reaches the floor.

Indiana Voters Strongly Object to Shooting Wildlife in Enclosures
Mason-Dixon Poll of Indiana Voters found 80% of voters oppose canned
1100 Indiana citizens signed the petition “Say NO to shooting deer in
fenced enclosures – canned hunting.”

Indiana Conservation and Hunting Organizations Oppose Canned Hunting – HB1453
Indiana conservation and hunting organizations call for a BAN ON IMPORTS of captive deer. 21 states have banned the importation of at least some species of captive raised deer. Indiana needs to reduce the risk of CWD coming into the state, threatening the wild deer herd and the associated wild deer hunting economy of over $300 million annually.

Captive deer shooting preserves violate ethical standards.
Hunting captive deer that cannot escape from enclosed pens violates principle of fair chase.
Shooting tame, farm raised, deer in a pen just for their large antlers is not ethical.
Hunting preserves undermine the Indiana’s long held wildlife management philosophy that all wildlife are held in public trust and managed by the state for all citizens.
The health of Indiana’s wild deer herd is threatened when captive deer are held in high density populations and disease occurs.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a contagious neurological disease that quickly spreads among captive herds and is transmitted by animal to animal contact or animal to soil contact.
Soil contaminated with CWD carries the disease vector, called prions, for years, and deer must be excluded from the area to avoid spreading the disease.
There is no cure for CWD. Death is always the result.
Indiana has had outbreaks of bovine TB in deer and cattle in recent years. Further bovine TB
outbreaks could jeopardize the Indiana beef producer industry.
The interstate transportation of deer to hunting preserves also contributes to health concerns.
Hunting preserves often import deer from out of state to meet the demand for trophy bucks. If
the deer carries CWD, the disease can jump to the receiving state. Importation of captive
raised deer should be banned.
Captive deer shooting preserves threaten Indiana’s economy and put taxpayers at risk.
Deer hunting in Indiana contributes over $300 million annually and supports >1600 jobs.
Anything threatening Indiana’s wild deer population would have a negative economic impact.
CWD management in Indiana would cost the state huge amounts of money. Taxpayers are liable for captive deer herds condemned due to disease. Hunters and anglers license fees are spent to fund State monitoring and management of CWD.
Twenty-three (23) states now have CWD in wild and/or captive deer populations and have spent literally millions of dollars of their state’s natural resources budget to combat CWD. Six states have been added in the last two years and all were associated with captive deer facilities
and moving captive deer.
Wisconsin has spent more than 50 million dollars in attempting to control the spread of CWD. Yet it is growing (5 counties per year). There are no federal monies, Indiana taxpayers will have to foot the bill.

Thank You

This should be easy to copy and paste!

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10710
01/23/2015 05:03 PM
01/23/2015 05:03 PM
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76chevy Offline
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thanks, just what I needed. I contacted mine.

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10711
01/23/2015 06:47 PM
01/23/2015 06:47 PM
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traditionalarcher17 Offline
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Thank you Joe, just sent mine as well.

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10712
01/26/2015 09:28 AM
01/26/2015 09:28 AM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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Okay...I sat in the Senate hearings on SJR2 (which passed) and SB226 (which didn't) and then ran over to House hearing on HB1453 (high fence hunting). They took testimony today which can be found on the General Assembly website.

Passage of this bill is a foregone conclusion even though they didn't vote today. It will also likely pass the House. Concentrate on the Senate and write them all to stop this nonsense once again.


P.S. HB1208 which allows for an additional antlered license passed the committee by 12-0.

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Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10713
01/27/2015 12:32 PM
01/27/2015 12:32 PM
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Fishers, IN USA
DNA Offline
DNA  Offline
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Originally posted by jbwhttail:
The Legislature is tired of dealing with this issue! This will pass without a LARGE citizen uprise, All legislators supporting the bill is a non win, you will not change Bill Friend, Eberhart, Steele, Yoder, Messmer mind.

I fear we do not have people who are willing to call their legislators and voice their opinion. Understand, the IDNR has NO say, they are not being asked, This is the Republicans in power (yes I tend to vote strongly Republican) saying this is business and boosts the Indiana economy.

Eberhart in the summer study committee meeting asked the Wisconsin state Veternarian, "so if there is no cure for CWD and we are going to get it anyway why not just go ahead and make shooting preserves legal?" This was after he spent the entire time the speakers were warning of CWD texting on his phone nad not paying any attention to what they were saying. The gentleman from Wisconsin answered......... "I know I'm going to die someday but do I want to rush it?" Eberhart just smiled.

IDNR and the Indiana Wildlife Federation brought the best professionals to the summer study committee to warn of the risks and costs to Indiana, our representatives ignored them!

It is now in the hands of the public, or soon will be. I have resigned myself that it is going to pass. Sportsmen groups have spent years of personal time on this issue and all for nought.

I am not a facebook person but if we ever needed the power of socail media this is the time.
Joe this is not a done deal. People need to Contact their legislators in both the house and Senate. If you just assume it will happen the people will do nothing it will. Eberhart is just the chair of the committee. Yes it will probably Pass out of committee because the way the legislative committees work is most of the people on the committees are there to protect their turf instead of really doing best for the people. In the house vote it will be different. If people don't participate in their government then they will get what they don't want.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..."

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10714
01/27/2015 03:28 PM
01/27/2015 03:28 PM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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I agree with Doug. It could still be stopped on the House floor. If not there, it will get a tough fight over in the Senate. Contact your legislator today and TELL them to vote against HB1453.


There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10715
01/27/2015 04:07 PM
01/27/2015 04:07 PM
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E-mails sent

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10716
01/27/2015 04:40 PM
01/27/2015 04:40 PM
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PlainField, IN
BREW... Offline
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BREW...  Offline
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Originally posted by jbwhttail:
Again this year high fence deer hunting is on the agenda, Representative Eberhart is the House sponsor and will hear it in committee on Monday January 26th. Last year Senator Long sent this issue to summer study committee, IDNR and sportsmen brought to the meeting the best Chronic Wasting Disease(CWD) experts. ALL of the federal and state experts testified that making High Fence Deer Shooting Facilities legal was of too high risk. Once Indiana gets CWD in the deer herd it will be here forever! Today 34 states have CWD, 22 of the states have verified that it was introduced to their state via a pen raised deer coming in on a trailor to either a deer farm or a shooting facility. Is a 50 million dollar annual cottage industry worth risking the 300 million deer hunting annual revenue in Indiana? Below are facts, I hope we can count on your vote as a no when it reaches the floor.

Indiana Voters Strongly Object to Shooting Wildlife in Enclosures
Mason-Dixon Poll of Indiana Voters found 80% of voters oppose canned
1100 Indiana citizens signed the petition “Say NO to shooting deer in
fenced enclosures – canned hunting.”

Indiana Conservation and Hunting Organizations Oppose Canned Hunting – HB1453
Indiana conservation and hunting organizations call for a BAN ON IMPORTS of captive deer. 21 states have banned the importation of at least some species of captive raised deer. Indiana needs to reduce the risk of CWD coming into the state, threatening the wild deer herd and the associated wild deer hunting economy of over $300 million annually.

Captive deer shooting preserves violate ethical standards.
Hunting captive deer that cannot escape from enclosed pens violates principle of fair chase.
Shooting tame, farm raised, deer in a pen just for their large antlers is not ethical.
Hunting preserves undermine the Indiana’s long held wildlife management philosophy that all wildlife are held in public trust and managed by the state for all citizens.
The health of Indiana’s wild deer herd is threatened when captive deer are held in high density populations and disease occurs.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a contagious neurological disease that quickly spreads among captive herds and is transmitted by animal to animal contact or animal to soil contact.
Soil contaminated with CWD carries the disease vector, called prions, for years, and deer must be excluded from the area to avoid spreading the disease.
There is no cure for CWD. Death is always the result.
Indiana has had outbreaks of bovine TB in deer and cattle in recent years. Further bovine TB
outbreaks could jeopardize the Indiana beef producer industry.
The interstate transportation of deer to hunting preserves also contributes to health concerns.
Hunting preserves often import deer from out of state to meet the demand for trophy bucks. If
the deer carries CWD, the disease can jump to the receiving state. Importation of captive
raised deer should be banned.
Captive deer shooting preserves threaten Indiana’s economy and put taxpayers at risk.
Deer hunting in Indiana contributes over $300 million annually and supports >1600 jobs.
Anything threatening Indiana’s wild deer population would have a negative economic impact.
CWD management in Indiana would cost the state huge amounts of money. Taxpayers are liable for captive deer herds condemned due to disease. Hunters and anglers license fees are spent to fund State monitoring and management of CWD.
Twenty-three (23) states now have CWD in wild and/or captive deer populations and have spent literally millions of dollars of their state’s natural resources budget to combat CWD. Six states have been added in the last two years and all were associated with captive deer facilities
and moving captive deer.
Wisconsin has spent more than 50 million dollars in attempting to control the spread of CWD. Yet it is growing (5 counties per year). There are no federal monies, Indiana taxpayers will have to foot the bill.

Thank You

This should be easy to copy and paste!
Bump....keep sending!!!

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10717
01/31/2015 04:20 PM
01/31/2015 04:20 PM
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Bryan78 Offline
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Bryan78  Offline
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Sent it to both: My Reps.

Rep. Eberhart (though futile, I know)
Sen. Leising

I also sent it to both: ( I urge everyone to send them a response also)

Rep. Bosma (Speaker of the House)
Sen. Long (Senate Pro Tem)

I also sent it to Governor Pence but changed it to fit him...

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10718
01/31/2015 06:52 PM
01/31/2015 06:52 PM
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traditionalarcher17 Offline
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Only thing I got back was an automated email.

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10719
02/02/2015 11:23 AM
02/02/2015 11:23 AM
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HatchetJack Offline OP
HatchetJack  Offline OP
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Problem now is that the appellate court has found in favor of the high fence deer preserves. Only recourse may be to wrangle the best high fence bill we can get.

There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10720
02/02/2015 02:18 PM
02/02/2015 02:18 PM
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Bryan78 Offline
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Bryan78  Offline
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I see the news finally did a quick story about HB1453... Wished they would have jumped on board sooner....

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10721
02/02/2015 02:30 PM
02/02/2015 02:30 PM
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Bryan78 Offline
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Bryan78  Offline
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Originally posted by HatchetJack:
Problem now is that the appellate court has found in favor of the high fence deer preserves. Only recourse may be to wrangle the best high fence bill we can get.
I seen where they delayed the vote because they were considering whether the bill should be limited to four existing preserves or opened up to new ones.

If they limit it to the four existing ones and ban new ones I would consider it a partial victory... It would be nice if they put in the bill that the license could no be transferable and would expire in the death of or relocation of the original owners of the license....

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10722
02/03/2015 05:02 AM
02/03/2015 05:02 AM
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PlainField, IN
BREW... Offline
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Originally posted by HatchetJack:
Problem now is that the appellate court has found in favor of the high fence deer preserves. Only recourse may be to wrangle the best high fence bill we can get.
Could this recent 2-1 ruling by the Indiana Court of Appeals be further appealed up to the Indiana Supreme Court? Is it likely, even if possible? .......Just asking.

BTW..... Heard a roumour that the panel didn't vote on the bill as scheduled Monday because members are considering whether legalization should be limited to four existing preserves or opened up to new ones.

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10723
02/03/2015 06:08 AM
02/03/2015 06:08 AM
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RedLab Offline
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Called my legislators again today.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10724
02/03/2015 12:01 PM
02/03/2015 12:01 PM
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jbwhttail Offline
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jbwhttail  Offline
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This has been a LONG journey by both sportsmen and IDNR(the IDNR has been gagged for many years), but now it is over.

In my opinion we should leave it to the legislature, let them move the preserves to the Department of Agricuture along with the deer farms. When CWD gets here and it will IDNR can not be held responsible, let the Ag department deal with ALL costs.

As far as four preserves or open it up, why should any legal business be limited to just a few? What happened to Capitolism?

One less chore I have to make time for annually! Rodney Bruce wins........

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10725
02/03/2015 02:59 PM
02/03/2015 02:59 PM
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THROBAK  Offline
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Sad Day isnt it

Re: HB1453 - high fence preserves #10726
02/03/2015 04:56 PM
02/03/2015 04:56 PM
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trapperDave Offline
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