And Mr. Bloom is continuing to try and put lipstick on a pig. I have been asking him for years to give me names of the people writing and furthering the new rules and he has always done what he tried to do here.

I have the two original petitions as they are public record. The language in the rule proposal is not verbatim in either. Who wrote the actual rule proposal? If it was anyone from the DNR, how are they not the architects? They are directly involved. And why if they have received this before was it written as a rule this time? Hmmm. That sounds like it was the discretion of the DNR. So how is it not their agenda?

Like the rule or don't, but it is time for some transparency and honesty in this process. I will be submitting several questions to the people I now know are driving this for a column. The house of cards is tumbling.