Phil Blooms response to Don's article. It is in the comments and thought it would be something to post here again:

Mr. Mulligan’s column takes the DNR and the NRC to task based on his assumption that they are the architects of this proposal when in fact neither one of them is.
Most rule proposals do come from the DNR or the NRC, but this one did not.
The high-powered rifle proposal originated with petition requests submitted to the NRC from members of the public. The requests came in the form of two letters, one signed by an individual who filed a similar petition in 2012 and a second signed by two individuals. This was not the first time that the NRC and DNR have been asked about high-powered rifles for deer hunting.
NRC policy allows an individual, corporation, association, local unit of government, other state agency, or federal agency to petition for a new rule, an amended rule, re-codified rule, rule repeal or a similar action. In short, it’s one way the NRC incorporates public input into the rule-making process.
DNR staff reviewed these most recent citizen petitions and considered two factors – safety and deer management. First, hunting accidents continue to decline over the long term not only in Indiana but across the country (side note – the majority of accidents involve hunters falling out of tree stands and it is extremely rare when an accident involves a gunshot). Second, Indiana DNR does not formulate its deer management strategy based on a hunter’s equipment choice (shotgun, handgun, bow & arrow, crossbow or muzzleloader) but instead uses season dates, bag limits and license types (most notably the bonus antlerless license).
Consequently, it was decided to move the petition forward in order to engage broader public input on whether or not high-powered rifles would be acceptable for deer hunting in Indiana.
By virtue of the NRC’s preliminary approval of the proposal, that is where it stands – in the public arena where it should be. All citizens are encouraged to have their voices heard on this or any other proposed rule change by either writing to the NRC’s Division of Hearings, using its online comment form (found at or attending public hearings once they are scheduled.
Eventually, the NRC’s Division of Hearings will compile all of the public comments and submit a recommendation to the NRC for its consideration.
--Phil Bloom, DNR communications director

Few questions:

1. Who were two letters from?
2. Do they have any connections to the NRC?
3. Can I petition a letter and it be read for a rule change?

It seems odd to me that this has been raised for years, but this time it has such momentum.

Fishing and honeybee time