Originally posted by sticksender:
Originally posted by John Scifres:
[b] In all the "debate" above there is not a single bit of credible objective evidence that the NRC could use to deny the petition.
IMO, this petition will not be accepted or denied based on facts, biology, statistics, or any process of logic or science. To believe that is naive.

The decision will be (or HAS been) made on a social and political basis.

Surely you don't think this is the first time this has been requested by the public? It merely took the proper nudge by an insider to make this happen. Not science or objective evidence.

. [/b]
Exactly Sticksender! John, you know as well as I do, there is no NEED for this. Just like the full inclusion of Xguns, this is a WANT. It's what I want vs. what you want. Its that simple. The only difference is, HPR's will only accelerate the reduction of the herd. I don't want to hear a dead deer is dead, no matter what kills it. It WILL increase the kill, and quickly. Further range = more dead deer. To think not is tunnel vision due to the "want". Like I said before, what deer hunter wants to see less deer? I don't go deer hunting to watch corn stalks.......And I don't care what the "safety studies"show. In the flat wide open farm country, where you can see houses, barns, and livestock in all directions, safety IS a concern...