Anybody that thinks HPR's won't make it easier and / or be a more effective tool than our present offerings has very little firearms experience / knowledge.

I've hunted western states alot with HPR's, and in big wide open country like that they are needed, and it's still quite sporting and not always easy to get within range.

Have seen friends drop antelope at 377 and 396 yards and I've shot an elk at 340 yards. We are probably above average shooters using decent equipment but not snipers by any means. We shoot .270, 30-06 and 300 mags.

You can't make those kind of shots with a 44 mag, muzzle loader or saboted slugs, and even the legal wildcats drop like a rock when they start getting much beyond 200 yards.

Introduce those HPR's to the open farm country around here, and it's a whole new game.