Originally posted by delaney:
I believe the HPR is driven by a) they want to be able to reach out and kill that nice buck that they can't get close enough with the current weaponry to kill b) they like the allure of shooting a long distance because its "cool" and c) guys who don't really want to hunt a lot of days and thus wish to make harvesting easier. I am unconvinced that it will dramatically increase total harvest.
I agree with your last sentence...The rest of your post I think js2397 addresses..

Do hpr's really make hunting easier? I thought all data shows that the majority of deer, even in hpr states are killed inside of 100 yards.

I do think the are more accurate, and easier to shoot than a shotgun. This should reduce missed shots and wounding rates, but not sure it will result in any long range hunting.
I agree with your entire post, except the last half of the last sentence. Realistically, just as there are guys lobbing slugs 200 yards, or dumping 5 rounds out of their slug guns as fast as they can pull the trigger, there will be a few guys shooting farther than they should be.