Originally posted by DEC:
Originally posted by BREW...:
[b] Says the man with the "Thumper" rifle..... :rolleyes: SMH
That I don't "hunt" with. If took it to a state park shoot them in a barrel "hunt". It was a tool to do an efficient job. It was not and is not HUNTING. I was there to do a job. It took zero skill to make those two 60 or so yard shots. I have not and would not use that gun hunting on my private grounds. I have that gun simply because I have a huge gun collection because I like my guns. But in zero case are they used for deer bunting. [/b]
Ok...but wasn't you a GAINT supporter of Rifles when they where FIRST introduced in Indiana for DEER Hunting???

Rifles then is WHY were going where we're going now ....."Pandora's Box" was opened!!!

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"