Originally posted by HS Strut:
Bryan, go to a check station or meat locker around here...you'll see piles of 1 1/2 bucks. We kill a ton of big ones here as well, and our culture IS changing for the better. But we still slaughter young bucks.

Not in Illinois and Iowa. You'll see teenagers talking about passing up 130" deer constantly. It's a completely different culture.
Not saying I want that here...they have tons of problems with rich people buying up and leasing land. I hate that. Just saying it's different.
I've been to check stations and meat lockers so I have seen it all... I work with a guy who would shoot a fawn in a nanosecond and not care one bit... So yes it is a cultural thing but those same people would kill that deer with 5 days or 16 days of hunting... They are so scared of not getting anything it clouds their judgment...

I think a lot has to do with the hunters out there that have to purchase licenses every year want something to show for their investment... No one wants to eat tag soup but with a LTL I don't care if I get one or not, I'm not out much of anything... I'm 2 years now without a deer but have the satisfaction of hoping that buck will be bigger next year and that does will hopefully produce twins that make it and increase the herd where I hunt...

When I see little deer hanging there ready to be butchered I think to myself what I waste... Spend that kind of money for a little meat... I don't tell others how to hunt, but I don't want to hear them complain about not seeing deer or a big deer because they feel the need to blast everything in sight...