I don't care WHAT you guys use to take a deer. I'm not trying to "Scare" anybody.

Try this physics test:

Go out to Atterbury and hang out a couple hundred yards or more behind the shooting range...over by the water tower. I used to pheasant hunt area 12 a lot. Every 15-20 minutes, you'll hear a round ricochet through the air making that high pitched "whirling" sound. I promise you that ain't a deer slug. It'll make your hair curl son. It's probably a round skipping off the top of a frame or something. It ain't a deer slug because it would've shattered or bent whatever it hit and wound up in the dirt...not several hundred yards away in a pheasant hunt.

I think Delaney used to pheasant hunt in that area? He might have heard these rounds as well.

Also, every once in a while on the news you'll see where somebody found bullet holes in their house. Through the siding and across the room through another wall. Then, you'll find out some idiot was shooting a rifle across a cornfield several hundred yards away and wasn't certain of what was beyond their target.
Let me know next time you see this happen with a shotgun slug.

Go out in a plowed field and set up a target a hundred yards away. Shoot ten slugs at it and ten 30.06 rounds at it. Bet you can find where the slugs hit the ground right behind it a little ways. The ground will look like hogs were rootin back there. Those 06's will be nowhere around.