Originally posted by HS Strut:
I hate the idea of HPR here. Hate it. But, whatever. We don't need them. It won't change the harvest one bit. But my Lord will it be scary knowing a guy in the woodlot next to me has a bullet that can travel MILES and can't see me a couple hundred feet away. Slugs are heavy. Regardless of velocity they come out of the barrel "Looking and seeking" the ground. They hit and tumble. HPR'S... Dude they can ricochet off something and wind up in a farmers bedroom window on the other side of the road. Most places they're legal...are in mountains. There ain't nobody around! They go a half mile and hit a mountain. Not here. Like I said...Whatever.
Classic scare tactic...Unless you are shooting at the sky HPR's WILL NOT go for miles... Even then, you have to have the right conditions for a bullet to travel that far... :rolleyes:

Illinois hunters kill as many deer in 5 days of gun season "Outside of the rut" as we do in 2 weeks IN the rut. The state is quite comparable to ours in size. I highly doubt it's our gun season that's causing us problems. The vast majority of gun killed deer happens in the first few days. The rest of it is nothing more than opportunity. The numbers aren't staggering.
Illinois also allows 2 bucks. They still have people jumping over fences to hunt there.

My point? People in Illinois as well as Iowa and Kansas...don't shoot small bucks. We do. We also rape the doe population...by choice.
That just tells me that either Illinois hunters are shooting everything in sight because they have only 5 days to do it in or the 11 extra days we have are not having any impact on the herd and their state is a lot bigger then ours...

And I don't care what state you are hunting in but hunters in other states shoot large bucks, small bucks, and shoot their does up too like they do in Indiana and they complain on their forums about their herds like people do here... :rolleyes: