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Once in a while………. #10118
12/13/2014 10:10 AM
12/13/2014 10:10 AM
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Decatur County/Greensburg, IN
Yaz Offline OP
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Yaz  Offline OP
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a blind pig finds a nut! My deer hunting can best be described as "Choices, Decisions, Blown opportunities, and Disappointments. However, I wouldn't have it any other way. Last deer I killed was in 2010! I have hunted, and will continue to hunt with my recurve. . I hunted harder this year than I can ever remember. Up until this hunt, I had 36 sits and had seen at least one deer on 33 of them! In the last 10 years, I have often been days or weeks without seeing a deer. So, I was doing something right. But this season has not been without its disappointments. I had a beautiful 5 year old 10 that I had been hunting for two seasons. I have 100’s of pictures of him from the last three years. For a deer to get to that age around here is basically unheard of, and only happens about every five or six years. I blew my chance at him in the last week of the season on a very cold evening hunt last year. I ended up seeing him three times during the archery season, always out of bow range. I seen him again at 10:30 opening morning of firearms season, as he ran for cover out of the neighbors into our standing corn. I learned on that Monday that one of the Amish neighbors killed him at noon 2 miles North of where I seen him at!!!! Here is a picture of the 10:
[Linked Image]

I hunted only one other day of firearms season, which was the Tuesday after the opener. That was only because I had left my binoculars in the tree. . I spent the rest of firearms season getting some work done in the shop, and pouting over the nice ten getting killed. During that time, I purchased a new muzzle loader, as I really NEEDED to kill a deer this season. Weedy came over to shoot and helped me get set up. I didn’t have a thing for muzzle loading as I gave it all away with the gun three years ago. (THANKS WEEDY!) I hunted every single evening of the ML season, and was seeing the best action I have seen EVER. There were several yearling does around, and the buck action was the best its ever been.
It was a 6 day chess match that I was loosing badly. Every time I'd pick a good spot for the wind, I'd see the deer at another stand or blind location. On Wednesday night, I seen 7 bucks go into an overgrown paster from the open fields. I couldn't stand it! I got out of the blind and crawled the 400 yards to get there. I ran out of grass waterway as cover, and laid in the mud of the picked bean field. I could hear what sounded like two bulldozers in the pasture, but due to the head high weeds, couldn’t see a thing. I glanced over to the east edge, and there standing in a swale in the corn, was the 7 smaller bucks, and two mature does. They would NOT go in there. ! I had a feeling what two bucks were in there, fighting, growling, and making vocalizations that I have never heard before. I laid there till dark to sneak out. They had beat me AGAIN!
Thursday night, wind was horrible for where I thought I needed to be. I almost just went back home after I got the feeding done. As I stood there in the barn lot, looking back across the picked corn to the pasture……..I thought maybe……just maybe…..I could crawl out there from barn lot, and if I could get to a little ridge in the field before the deer got up and moving, it could work. As long as the deer were bedded in the weeds, and crawled reeeaaally quiet, they wouldn’t see me. I got dressed, grabbed a seed bag to lay on, and took off up a slight swale that would lead me to where I thought I needed to be. It would keep me a little lower till I got to top. As luck would have it, it still was soaking wet, with standing water in a lot of it. Also, I had to go across the rows, and every time I went over the row, it made a lot of racket. I ended up pulling stalks up, and setting them out of the way as I went. It took me 45 minutes to go 150 yards. I glanced back, and had to laugh….it looked like a beaver slide through the corn field!!! laugh I got settled, and laid my pack out in front……like it was going to hide me!!! I about fell asleep. If it wasn’t for my phone buzzing from Weedy trying to call me, I would have. I text him to “knock it off, I’m hunting” and stuck it back in my pack. My hat kept sliding down over my face, and I reached up and slid it up. When I did, I was looking at a doe staring at me from 80 yards. I didn’t twitch, blink, or breath for what seemed like 5 minutes. She never did totally settle down, but crossed out of the pasture into the corn, and started feeding. But, every time she looked up, she was looking at me. Then I noticed that familiar white “patch” in the golden rod, and horseweeds. I knew it was a buck, but didn’t know what buck it was. I was afraid to move, as he was staring at her, and every time she looked at me, so did he. He turned back into the weeds, and I figured it was over. She put her head down, and I grabbed the binoculars. The buck reappeared about 120 yards south, but coming out to the edge of the pasture. I got just enough look at him to know I needed to somehow get the gun without the doe seeing me. Just as I got the gun up, she looked at me, and went on high alert. She was only 40 yards from me at that time. Over the top of her back, I could see the buck was acting like he was going to leave the county. One more check to be sure it was one of the two I wanted, and next thing I know, there was white smoke. I have no history with this deer other than seeing him 4 times this week, and some trail cam pictures this week. He had moved in from the pressure I assume. There were plenty of yearlings to keep his attention.

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image]

I know I'm getting too damned old to be crawling around in the mud after these things…… :rolleyes: laugh I'm still wore out from the 6 straight days of hunting, and the mile I've crawled around this week! Maybe, in another four years, I'll have another deer story to post…….

Re: Once in a while………. #10119
12/13/2014 10:18 AM
12/13/2014 10:18 AM
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PlainField, IN
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PlainField, IN Done GOOD!!!

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Re: Once in a while………. #10120
12/13/2014 10:21 AM
12/13/2014 10:21 AM
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Mooresville Indiana
Weedhopper Offline
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Awesome buck bro! Thanks for sharing!

Brew coffee....not tards
Re: Once in a while………. #10121
12/13/2014 10:29 AM
12/13/2014 10:29 AM
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jjas Offline
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That's a good one for sure!

Re: Once in a while………. #10122
12/13/2014 10:36 AM
12/13/2014 10:36 AM
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BowBo Offline
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BowBo  Offline
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BIG CONGRATS YAZ! Awesome buck man, and late season too... good work! I love the freaky bucks, and want me one bad!
Congrats again on your trophy!

Just call me Bo!
In the Spring I Strut ~ In the Fall I Rut!
Re: Once in a while………. #10123
12/13/2014 10:39 AM
12/13/2014 10:39 AM
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Canaan, Indiana
trophyhunter Offline
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awesome bud, I told you to stay at it!!
btw your the only guy I know that go`s fishing in the middle of the rut and then go`s out and kills a pig!! congrats! can`t wait to see him in person.
I’ll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money, you can keep "THE CHANGE”.
Re: Once in a while………. #10124
12/13/2014 10:47 AM
12/13/2014 10:47 AM
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John Scifres Offline
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Re: Once in a while………. #10125
12/13/2014 10:47 AM
12/13/2014 10:47 AM
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Martinsville Indiana
HS Strut Offline
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Nice Job Yaz...Dandy Buck... Thanks for sharing

Re: Once in a while………. #10126
12/13/2014 11:17 AM
12/13/2014 11:17 AM
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New Castle, In. Henry
gpd005 Offline
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Awesome animal and a really cool story. Well done!!!

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Re: Once in a while………. #10127
12/13/2014 11:32 AM
12/13/2014 11:32 AM
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Scarlett Dew Offline
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Now THAT was a buck earned!! Good job Yaz! Great Buck!!!!

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Re: Once in a while………. #10128
12/13/2014 11:32 AM
12/13/2014 11:32 AM
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N.E. Indiana, Spitting distanc...
hornharvester Offline
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Nice one and good story!

Im too old for that Rambo style deer hunting like you young whipper h.h.

If you're not a hemorrhoid, get off my butt.
Re: Once in a while………. #10129
12/13/2014 11:45 AM
12/13/2014 11:45 AM
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Jeff Valovich Offline
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Jeff Valovich  Offline
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Nice gnarly critter...congrats !.......

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Re: Once in a while………. #10130
12/13/2014 11:47 AM
12/13/2014 11:47 AM
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Gilley Offline
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Gilley  Offline
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Somebody repost it. I can't ever see Yaz's pics.

Re: Once in a while………. #10131
12/13/2014 11:49 AM
12/13/2014 11:49 AM
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Great dear and story! Congrats

Re: Once in a while………. #10132
12/13/2014 11:50 AM
12/13/2014 11:50 AM
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Noblesville, IN
Ruger Man Offline
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Awesome story. That deer is huge.

Re: Once in a while………. #10133
12/13/2014 11:50 AM
12/13/2014 11:50 AM
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Indianapois, IN, USA
delaney Offline
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delaney  Offline
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Love the character on the buck. Congrats Yaz.

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Re: Once in a while………. #10134
12/13/2014 12:43 PM
12/13/2014 12:43 PM
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Cody.Query Offline
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Great deer and story. Congrats.

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Re: Once in a while………. #10135
12/13/2014 12:54 PM
12/13/2014 12:54 PM
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Winchester, IN
RedLab Offline
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RedLab  Offline
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Nice buck and great story to go with the pictures.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
Re: Once in a while………. #10136
12/13/2014 01:07 PM
12/13/2014 01:07 PM
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se indiana
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Good one would be a understatment

Re: Once in a while………. #10137
12/13/2014 01:38 PM
12/13/2014 01:38 PM
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hour away
skeeterowner Offline
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Well worth it! Plus nice reward. That is a dandy!

Rip some lips and shoot some sticks
Re: Once in a while………. #10138
12/13/2014 01:42 PM
12/13/2014 01:42 PM
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Had my money on you the whole time cool Congrats!

Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping is where it's @!!!!!
Re: Once in a while………. #10139
12/13/2014 01:45 PM
12/13/2014 01:45 PM
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Huntnfreak Offline
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Love that freak rack..Congrats man!!

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Re: Once in a while………. #10140
12/13/2014 02:24 PM
12/13/2014 02:24 PM
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cedarthicket Offline
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Yaz, congratulations on one fine buck!! It is a great feeling when your plan and its execution leads to success. As the old cigarette commercial goes, I would walk a mile for a Camel. But, I would much rather walk, stalk, and crawl a mile for such a deer as yours!

You are truly a successful deer HUNTER. Thanks for sharing the story with some very nice pictures to go with it.

May all our hunts be safe, enjoyable, and deeply appreciated.
Re: Once in a while………. #10141
12/13/2014 02:30 PM
12/13/2014 02:30 PM
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Now....about those back straps.... :p

Brew coffee....not tards
Re: Once in a while………. #10142
12/13/2014 02:53 PM
12/13/2014 02:53 PM
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bassbum Offline
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Very nice. Now get to

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Re: Once in a while………. #10143
12/13/2014 03:20 PM
12/13/2014 03:20 PM
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maddogmech Offline
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Congrats on nice buck Yaz...... Way to stay with it.Love the story

Re: Once in a while………. #10144
12/13/2014 03:25 PM
12/13/2014 03:25 PM
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The story, dedication, and buck is down-right cool. Congrats.

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Re: Once in a while………. #10145
12/13/2014 03:43 PM
12/13/2014 03:43 PM
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Real nice buck. Way to hang in there...congrats!

Re: Once in a while………. #10146
12/13/2014 04:10 PM
12/13/2014 04:10 PM
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antiwheeze Offline
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Wow what a narley hog!

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Re: Once in a while………. #10147
12/13/2014 05:21 PM
12/13/2014 05:21 PM
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Great story and awesome buck. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Once in a while………. #10148
12/13/2014 05:37 PM
12/13/2014 05:37 PM
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familytradition Offline
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Awesome. Way to earn a deer!

Re: Once in a while………. #10149
12/13/2014 05:41 PM
12/13/2014 05:41 PM
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Awesome stuff!

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Re: Once in a while………. #10150
12/13/2014 05:59 PM
12/13/2014 05:59 PM
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way to go great buck & story

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Re: Once in a while………. #10151
12/13/2014 06:17 PM
12/13/2014 06:17 PM
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wow, nice one!!


Re: Once in a while………. #10152
12/13/2014 06:37 PM
12/13/2014 06:37 PM
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Somewhere in Hancock County
johnc911 Offline
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Somewhere in Hancock County
Congrats Yaz Lots of Character !!

Re: Once in a while………. #10153
12/13/2014 06:48 PM
12/13/2014 06:48 PM
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Gilley Offline
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Yaz, congrats. Sounds like you got a great buck and you really earned it. Wish I could see it. frown

Re: Once in a while………. #10154
12/14/2014 05:47 AM
12/14/2014 05:47 AM
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Does clicking the above link allow you to see the pic, Gilley?

Just call me Bo!
In the Spring I Strut ~ In the Fall I Rut!
Re: Once in a while………. #10155
12/14/2014 06:50 AM
12/14/2014 06:50 AM
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Great buck and story, Too bad you didn't have an outdoor channel filming you, because what you did is called "HUNTING" Congrats........

Re: Once in a while………. #10156
12/14/2014 08:00 AM
12/14/2014 08:00 AM
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Thanks Bowbo, that did the trick. Not sure why I can't see his pics and I can see everyone else's??? That is one awesome buck Yaz.

Re: Once in a while………. #10157
12/14/2014 08:35 AM
12/14/2014 08:35 AM
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Just call me Bo!
In the Spring I Strut ~ In the Fall I Rut!
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