"I would rather see him with archery gear"!!! Are you kidding me?!?!? I hope it was ME that you saw! I dare you tell me to my face "what you'd RATHER me hunt with!" I'll tell you I'd "rather" you move out of my "wheelhouse" before I break my hand on your face. If you don't like something fine. Don't tell anyone what they "should" do unless they ask or are on your property!

This argument is what is wrong with hunting! I've shot deer with every legal weapon type in Indiana. I am a DEER hunter. You Monday morning quarterbacks and wanna be biologist think you know more than anyone about anything! YOUR way is not the ONLY way! Your opinion is fine but don't be so arrogant to think Everyone else is for it. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Could not agree more! It's about how I do things and if u don't do it like me then YOUR wrong...as I pull out my modern compound bow with carbon arrows and fiber optic sights tipped with steel broad head but how dare u use a crossbow.

life is over when your dead until then you have more pain in store so take it like a man and give some back!