Daylight ran from about 2 or 3 am thru about 12 am each night. We would go out to hunt in the early afternoon, with a plan to stay all night if needed. Shooting is legal around the clock, 24 hours a day.

The bait used was ordinary dry dog food. The black bears and brown bears both love it. So much in fact, that the outfitter had to fly back in every day and replenish the bait with two or three 50-lb bags. Generally the food would all be gone by 8 or 9 pm. After the food was gone, the bears would still come in, but didn't usually stay very long or offer good shot opportunities.

In this area hunters are allowed to shoot 2 brown bears, and up to 5 black bears (3 for NR). The Alaska Fish & Game obviously has recognized an issue with controlling an over-abundant bear population.

The plan though was to shoot a brown bear first, before even thinking about shooting any blacks. But there was a constant stream of black bears coming in, and tussling over the food.

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