This past bow season was probably the worst bow season I ever had. Good movement prior to the first of October, but then everything fell off a cliff about the beginning of the second week of October. Very little to no activity and just about no trail cam activity. Only had one buck in range all bow season, and it was a 2.5 yr old 8 pointer, and then saw 4 other bucks but they were far from shooters. Very minimal doe movement as well. These passed couple weeks, things have kicked up decently with more day time activity and better trail cam activity. Saturday morning I found myself sitting on a thick treeline enclosed in a blind. A few minutes after daylight and a couple grunts later, a nice 8 pointer stepped into the field at 300 yards and came all the way in to 75. A heart shot and he was dropped dead. A nice buck that I had one trail camera and told myself I would shoot before these deer shut down because of the orange army. Will try to post picture later. Congratulations to everyone who killed this weekend!

"The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know."