Are we really still debating if crossbows should be used to hunt with this time of the year or if they are or are not "archery" or whatever you want to call it? Really? Who gives a chit. So what, the dude shot it with a crossbow ... more power to the dude, it was his choice. At the end of the day, he was deer hunting. Assuming he had a legal tag for his weapon and season of choice, who really gives two chits?

As to scoring it on a P&Y vs a B&C paper ... LOL ... what a petty bunch of petty 7th grade girls we have here. I don't know for a fact, but I am willing to bet that the dude knew a P&Y scorer who used a score sheet simply to get a reference point as to its size for the guy, should he elect to have an official score by whichever organization it qualifies for down the road. The process is the same so who gives a crap what paper an unofficial green score is done on. We as hunters cannot seem to help ourselves when it comes to cannibalizing our own collective. Lord help us.

CONGRATS to the dude who shot this deer!

Last edited by DEC; 10/12/2018 02:09 PM.

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!