Originally Posted by BowBo
You mentioned about something being "new for this year"..... not sure exactly what you were referring to?!?
But if you were talking about hunting till end of Jan... that was in effect last year as well.

It is "new" in the sense that they drastically expanded it along major travel routes. That property of mine is right along I69. I've been hunting it for around 25 years now and this is Reduction Zone thing is new to me. I'm torn about it to be honest. I feel it supports the State's "War on Does", which I hate. But I would typically shoot one doe between all of my properties anyway, so I took advantage of it and don't feel like I put any further dent in the population. I like the option for a 2nd buck (assuming that I can even cross paths with one buck that I want to shoot). But right now on that farm, there is not a single buck that I want to kill anyway. That of course can all change in a heart beat in early November.

All in all, it was just fun to be back in a tree stand.

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!