I do quite a few mock scrapes, especially in or around food plots. Usually in late July, I will pick a spot under a branch or where I am going to put up a branch, and will kill off the vegetation using round up and 2-4D in a circle area of four to five feet in diameter. Then a couple weeks later I come back with a weed eater and rake and remove everything in the dead area to the bare dirt. I get everything out of the circle. Then if there isn't a licking branch, I will find a good branch off of another tree and wire it to the tree so that the end of the branches are at about 4 to 5 feet off the ground. Sometimes you have to get creative, but you can always make something work. Then I pee in the new scrape. Every time I check trail cams, I personally pee in the scrape and use either a rake or dead limb from somewhere near by to gouge the ground and clear out any debris. I always wear rubber boots while I am around the scrapes and am sure to touch nothing with my bare hands after that first time setting it up. I don't buy or use any deer pee (I haven't bought any of this stuff in years) ... just good ol' pee fueled by my consumption of bottled water or a Coke Zero. I would say on average that 4 out of 5 mock scrapes that I make become real scrape locations for deer. Bucks of all ages and even does hit them regularly all season long. It works well.

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!