When ever you see the word "Holistic" you know this was planned out by econuts ... "Connection to attractions, arts and entertainment venues, hiking and biking trails, and neighborhoods" ..... "Visit Indy’s philanthropic arm, Tourism Tomorrow, Inc. to develop a comprehensive and coordinated regional, community-driven plan to enhance 58 miles of the White River in Marion and Hamilton counties. The goal of the vision plan is to create an accessible, recreational, and cultural environment that encourages a unique sense of place for the community as a whole." ..... whooo boy, here come the greenies ...... just who ok'd this... the DNR ? ... landowners ? .... farmers ? .... "Connection to attractions, arts and entertainment venues, hiking and biking trails, and neighborhoods" ......... no fishing, no hunting ?? .... w t f ??

Last edited by Jeff Valovich; 07/10/2018 07:28 PM.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"