Same argument could be laid out for seatbelts, helmets, liquor sold by serving in public places etc etc. I still say it's nearly impossible to enforce but do it anyways. It affects us all, healthcare costs, time/energy/resources of emergency response personnel, and most importantly our loved ones. OSHA requires it in a workplace, some draw hunts require it on their properties.....TSA requires them with new stands.....impose it. Bluntly if I needed to call 911 for a emergency with my son and all medical resources are tied up with a non tied in hunter, I'd be upset. Very far fetched and extreme of which I know both patients would be equally important however I'm just saying!

"I dream of the day when my son can join me in the woods on a hunt. I will pass on all that I have learned to him, just like my father did to me. To me, this defines tradition which can survive for endless generations as long as we do our part."