Now with approaching 12,000 members / followers in all 92 indiana counties this is what the IWDHM Group is planning to do to help our herd from EHD.

CLICK ON THE LINK TO SEE HOW YOU TO CAN HAVE AN IMPACT AGAINST EHD. WE ARE NOT DEFENSLESS! By remaining concerned about the resource as our utmost importance, and remaining out of divisive issues that are stastically insignificant we can increase our numbers even more to monitor and impact the herd positively for future generations as well as our own. This is bigger than the couple hundred record book deer a year, what weapon you use, or if some guy owns domestic deer that are livestock not wildlife. Those things DONT MATTER STATSTICALLY. EHD, Excessive doe harvest, poor fawn recruitment, habitat. These are the issues and we are doing something about them with or without you. All almost 12,000 of us that care about the resource and it being here for future generations.