I have posted on here to great lengths and answered everything we are about. Just look back. Yet the answers are, and never will be good enough apparently, someone on here will continue to find one word, or one sentence, or the fact we didn't use paragraphs because we were attempting to answer you in a hurry. Thought better than not answering at all. Some will continue to attempt to bait us into a weapons issue or some other divisive issue that they can then twist to their benefit. We are not going there at the IWDHM Group. Other than Delaney and Dew, I have not heard one positive piece of dialog yet on suggestions on what WE ALL CAN DO, where is your details?

I don't have to justify myself as caring about the resources of this state. I wrote my first bill that became law that funded the TIP program when I was just 19-20. About the same time started writing articles, ironically my first one when I was nineteen I believe was about bonus county permits or reductions, something like that. (Did get paid for these articles; however promoted IDHA every chance I got) Have that first article the dust in the attic somewhere. Helped with the handicapped hunt that my father has facilitated for the IDHA for 30 +/- years. Served on the board of the IDHA as Editor for untold years, Editor of the Hoosier Record Book for Ten Years (3 editions. Photographed probably a hundred IDHA events. When I was just a kid basically myself at 19-20 started taking kids without fathers that came to IDHA meetings on hunts and teaching them. Not a one day token feel good project, but years of teaching them. We just run into one down at Atterbury now in his 30s loving the sport and teaching his own kids. Other than the articles, never received one red cent for my efforts.

I have also taught my kids and their kids to be honest ethical hunters and citizens. And in the words of President Reagan to Brew, "Just Shut Up". You go around the internet spreading hate and contempt and calling people liars and the sort, without provocation or evidence. I have called one person a liar, and backed that up with evidence to prove it, when he attempted to discredit the group slanderously, and slow our progress not for the sake or our herd but his own power trip.

As far as banning from our site, I have too explained that in very full detail. It is insignificant in the statistical picture. I will not comment on a single banning issue, that is the Boards private decision and will be kept quite as to specifics of individual bans. Everyone of the few that are banned know exactly why, and you can possible see that as to how they conduct themselves on other sites as well, promoting repeated disharmony. However again, I will say I have explained more than enough for the average individual.

But you know what that don't mean squat in this debate going on. None of it. It will not save one deer from here going forward. All this is fluid like a river and constantly changing. We all have to be on constant vigilance against the threats against the herd. Again, however as much time you all have spent here and caused me to spend just to attempt to bridge some support with the IDHA, is truly wasted time and effort. I don't care if you don't "follow me, follow me. .. " Do whatever you can for what you think is best for the herd. If you help preserve the hunting tradition and a huntable herd, we behind you 100%, don't care how you do it or what you do. Go out and teach a kid to hunt, not a token day long program, truly mentor and teach a kid, show some investment in real time. We don't' coach little league by having a day long seminar in football. We teach them for weeks. Don't care about the details.

Unlike Hillary, I am not after your vote, or power, or office. I am for the powers that be to listen to what the majority of sportspersons and non consumptive users are saying, and that is, we are not happy with the amount of deer we are seeing for our enjoyment as citizens in the state of Indiana. That resource is our property as citizens of this state and country, and we want them to listen to our complaints, ALL OF US, in a format that is free and easy to every citizen and facilitates the voice of grassroots Hoosiers consumptive and non-consumptive users.