Now here we are again, another group forms and at this point they have momentum and followers. But still, many want specifics, details, basically a guarantee of the groups position. Otherwise, they won't join or support or whatever. So what I would say then is, start another group. Start ten groups. Actually, the more maybe the better. At least then we could get more at the table. And my fear is always this, even from my own idealism, is that a lot of folks really, down deep inside, have the thought that its "resource first IF it's my way". Maybe the best thing is to leave the details out because as soon as any group or organization adds detail, it becomes one big p*****g match and the resource, well it loses.
Agree or disagree, I'm not aligning myself with any group that hasn't and/or won't put out a mission statement and a position statement.

It's just that simple......