I'm not sure that taking on "world hunger" in regard to the various issues around deer management and DNR support is a good thing to do. Too much on a plate makes for messy things. Plus, getting into the weeds right away on all these various issues is simply crazy because it causes too much of a distraction and makes a messy message that the DNR and legislators just don't appreciate. I get all these questions, butI still believe the discussion and goals should be focused on one or two issues and then as time goes forward you look to address other issues, even though they all may be good concerns. If I was in the new group, I'd simply answer many of these questions with "don't know yet" because again, taking on world hunger is just not a smart thing to do in my opinion. Plus, times are fluid anymore and once a group says "this" and then later changes to "that", all heck breaks lose.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"