I love IWDHM's drive and passion, the energy is a GREAT thing for hunters...however yes some have concerns raised over issues including but not limited to: unwarranted bannings, back and forth on issues at times, biasness, professionalism...

I would venture to say Gary no good moral being that is a member of any of the hunting forums here for Indiana would degrade your heart, desire and will to make things better for future generations...because honestly I think if you frequent a forum for hunting you've already proven you are not an average joe hunter or weekend warrior...you care.

The woods and hunting are a way of life for us, and we desire to have that ability to enjoy it for our whole lives (till the Lord calls us home) and we want the same for the future of our kids and their kids and their kids-kids. It is this very reason I still support IWDHM, despite being banned...despite at times questioning operations or it's professionalism...or unfounded blanket statements...because your kids and my kids (should the Lord bless me with) and ALL of our kids are worth it.

Gary, you brought up and stressed two things here which are crucial and like S_wilk I would encourage IWDHM to press for more fervently than ANYTHING else and that is filling the biologist spots..and letting them re-evaluate even more so than the DNR is doing now - AMEN! Also you brought up a scientific survey...I know no group can afford this or accomplish it but you could press the DNR to send out a massive survey ONLY to those whom say have purchased a license (or are lifetime holders) the last 3-5 years...this would truly be an amazing way for the DNR to tap into the grassroot hunters across this state and yet be THEIR own survey, not an assumed bias one from any organization.

As someone who supports the stripped down mission of IWDHM that would be the things I'd say fight for! Both of those things can and will prove your points about depredation tags being a terrible thing and quotas being too high should they be as bad as you folks have stated they are.

I would also not paint such an ill picture of those whom are involved in habitat improvement for any level or degree as bias or invested and are happy the herd is suffering as they can claim to change it for the hunter should they hire them for "x" amount of dollars.

These folks in this line of work see a lot more of the state and tap into a network of hunters/habitat folks that can be of serious benefit to gaining a pulse on localized deer herds. I know of a couple habitat guys that do it for a living and they have clients suffering to see deer despite major efforts habitat wise...good honest habitat guys would never say it is a magic pill that creates deer...it can draw and hold deer, but if there are no deer to draw or hold they're idiots to claim it will work.

Blessings on your endeavor Gary, I pray your drive doesn't slow and your mind never grows weary of learning more and more.