We are not trying to take away your hunting days, or change your seasons, really it wouldn't take drastic change to fix the main problem. However, we are getting push back from hunters that just want to argue and attempt by twisting every single word or statement to discredit us. Some are just afraid of what they may lose individually, some have financial motive, as they have a deer related business and want to use the crisis to their advantage to say if they improve the habitat on your farm the deer will magically thrive. Guys, I have planted the best cover and food for quail on my farm, but you know what, there is not quail. Without mommy and daddy quail, never will be any no matter how good the habitat. All wildlife in Indiana is in danger guys, times are changing. Like the conservationists of the past, if we don't have the foresight to see the forest for the trees and care about more than just our own ego's and self-gratification, we will lose what we have and future generations will never experience it.

I came to this site to attempt to bridge the gap with the IDHA and IBA to hopefully work together on the aforementioned issues. I think some see that and will spread the word. However, as I have said before, we in leadership at the IWDHM Group are spending hours on this every day without getting one red cent or kick back in any way. We are doing it for our own future generations and yours. I swear on my own life. That is it. However, with my own limited time resources, we cannot keep up with the back and forth on every little detail, and arguing or detailed discussion on this narrow point of view or that one. We are sorry if you are scared you are going to lose something, but if you just take off your blinders for a minute and see the forest guys, please. So with that I am going to leave you all to hash it out. I AND THE OTHER BOARD MEMBERS HAVE TO CONCENTRATE ON OUR MISSION. I would pray, that all of you take the time to just write your state legislature reps and the governor, and express: you are seeing less deer if you are and you are concerned about the management of the resource and you want them to look into DNR funding and you want the overharvest to stop. We can be a powerful force together. IF WE CAN JUST AGREE ON SOME VERY BASIC IDEAS. If we keep up the petty details, the people that make the decision just look at us and laugh, and say they are not a voice to be heard, but Farm Bureau is collective and strong and vote and are saying we want this one thing. Deer Reduction. Think about it guys. Good luck, Good Hunting, and God Bless. Gary A Walters, RN, Staff/Board of Directors IWDHM Group