we have to do this ourselves. You cannot legislate good deer hunting anymore than you can legislate jobs, closed borders, healthcare...we have to do it ourselves. If we just quit taking too many deer in area's we see less and take a few more if we're seeing plenty...we take all control from this run-away-train. I'm doing my part. I love having deer in the freezer but I haven't taken a deer the last 2 seasons because I've seen so few! I sit there for a couple days seeing zero deer in stands that I used to see maybe 8 deer in one sit...then I see a couple does or a small buck and I'm thinking AWESOME! But if I shoot it, then what?
This doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out. BTW, I'm hunting a county that allows 4 antlerless deer. EHD hit hard a couple years ago in our area and the DNR KNOWS IT TOO...still allowing 4 antlerless. Just proves my point:You can't legislate this crap.
One more story, last summer I took my son to a private lake we hadn't fished in quite a while. In the past we have never caught much there so we didn't expect much. We started pounding bluegills so big you couldn't get your hand around them. We were icing them down and licking our chops. We got about 20 in the cooler and I said " Hey Kid, this is a blast! Lets keep 20 and release the rest? We'll come back another day and catch some more." He agreed. I've seen pictures on here of guys ice fishing and it looked like they cleaned 100 panfish... It's legal, but is it smart? Even if you're going to eat every one of them, we need to leave some for another day.