Everyone, just remember, I am just a working stiff like the rest of you. I will not always say every word correctly, or always be politically correct. I guess I just saying this back and forth on the details can be redundant, and really doesn't accomplish much in the bigger picture. Sometimes just saying we have to prioritize and do the best we can, and not attempt to fix every little thing at once. But for clarification we think the quota's need reduced now in certain areas and cannot or should not wait. Attempting to live life and work, and help others, and do the best I believe for the herd. I would suggest you all place this energy in going to meetings, hearings, sending letters and emails, and stop so much back and forth on emails, some discussion does at time become redundant. I am a RN and if a person comes in with a heart attack we are going to treat that, then worry about their hemorrhoids latter on down the road. Believe me they don't care about the specifics then. Not to feel sorry for me, I am doing it out of love, but I spend hours every day on this, going to a meeting with other conservationists tonight to talk about his, guys that DO.... Written to DNR, Governor, Legislators, just this month. Look at the positive you want and do the same guys, that all I saying.