Gary Walters
JJAS, this is the dialog we are promoting at IWDHM Group. What is the answer? Seems the regular tags allow sufficient harvest to manage herds. Do we even need bonus permits and extra winter antlerless season? Of course if you mention doing away with all bonus permits there would be a enormous uproar, and the DNR should have this tool where needed. We are just promoting moderation in using them. Especially not in excess.
As has been pointed out, we have a lot of hunters in the state. More than enough that @ a 50% success rate, the harvest numbers would roughly stay @ the levels they are.

And doing away with the bonus antlerless system and late antlerless season is (IMHO) off the table. The DNR wants a method of trying to raise/lower the harvest numbers without having to go through a reg change to do so.

I wish you guys the best in searching for ways to change the system, but I still don't see how you get around the fact that we have a lot of hunters in this state and very few (on a percentage basis) kill more than 2, maybe 3 deer.

And those three deer can be killed by purchasing the bundle or bow/crossbow/firearms/muzzleloader tags without ever purchasing a bonus antlerless tag.