S_Wilk, you hit it on the head, shouldn't we know and shouldn't we manage the deer that are there. Sounds like you do have a slice of heaven there. That is great for you, but in the bigger picture that is not for everyone. That is what we are addressing. The DNR should have an estimate and manage annually off those estimates. Not everyone is the sportsmen we are and attempt to manage ourselves. Since 2011 we have not been able to kill even one doe for my grandkids off my big farm, because they are getting hammered around us. The does that stay on our property have actually made the buck hunting better. Where they going to go, where the does are, that simple secret to success, most overlook, lol. But again we can only ethically kill so many bucks as well. I do monitor my neighbors best I can. But again IWDHM Group is looking at the bigger picture. Some of our members up north are reporting seeing an abundance of deer on their areas for years, now sit for a week all day in the rut and not seeing any. See that is what we are promoting, for the DNR to be able to manage an do their job. Here is their mandate by law:


Indiana statute defines the authority and responsibilities of the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife:

The [Division of Fish and Wildlife] shall . . . provide for the protection, reproduction, care, management, survival and regulation of wild animal populations regardless of whether the wild animals are present on public or private property . . . [and) Organize and pursue a program of research and management of wild animals that will serve the best interests of the resources and the people of Indiana.

(Indiana CodeTitle 14, Article 22, Chapter 2, Section 3)

That means research or inventory what you have and manage accordingly. That way the herd get managed consistently all over the state, not just where the few like yourself care to do the right thing no matter what is legal.