Originally posted by GaryWalters:
Just not working in the big picture HornHunter, glad it is for you, but leasors around farm I own, kill everything they see, and say they move on to another lease when gone, they getting their moneys worth. I own my farm and have long term goals and investments. Co-oping and QDMA not working in most areas of Indiana with landholdings small, and human nature of Greed.
Not sure why you didn't spell my user name right but I suspect its to try and degrade me and my comment which is only the truth.

Basically I manage my 127 acres the way I want because I can. There is a nice herd of around 20 or so deer that stay on my property because I provide them with habitat and food. And the nice thing about that is the government pays me to do so.

I could care less what my neighbors do as that is out of my hands. I have no right to tell them how manage their property or what to kill since I don't pay their property taxes. As long as its legal, hunt/kill whatever you want on your own property, works for me. h.h.

If you're not a hemorrhoid, get off my butt.