I would like to tell a story. In the late 80's early 90's I was on the board of the IDHA as Editor. Had a conversation with then Chief of Wildlife Wayne Faatz and Deer Biologist John Olsen. Believe it was Olsen that said, prophetically, at the time., "Deer Management is more of a social issue. Deer for the most part will never be overpopulated in Indiana in regards to carrying capacity of the habitat. However, right now farmers and insurance companies are bit---ng. Hunters are happy, seeing and killing deer and more opportunities are being presented. So we will react to the authority above us and address their (farming/insurance) concerns. At some point the pendulum will swing and hunters will stop seeing deer and they will start to complain." Swear on my life true story. So we can wait to complain when it is back like the 50's-70's, and then take decades to swing the pendulum back in our favor, or start complaining now and attempt to moderate a sustainable huntable herd that provides enjoyment for both consumptive and non consumptive users. Hopefully with some positive communication we can get that pendulum barely swinging and in moderation keep everyone happy within reason, the herd healthy, and I can go to heaven knowing my grandkids will have similar opportunities as I did. But I will admit, I believe the good old days are gone forever, and I was lucky enough to teach my son to hunt during the best times to be a Hoosier Deer Hunter. Hope as organizations and individuals we all work together to slow that pendulum down. God Bless.