It seems at this point there is a "back and forth" going on that is of no value. I'm sure most can remember the debacle from a couple of years where there was comment, counter comment about Woody's site and his comments and positions. Nothing gets accomplished by it and that is no point in it. I'm unsure of what the reference is in regard to comments on their facebook about this site as I haven't been sitting at the computer day in, day out. And actually, IF any other site, anywhere is making comments about this site or the IDHA , let them say what they wish. But, I know this, this "in the public" stuff isn't doing anyone any good and is probably counter productive to deer management or deer issues.

So, I'm not sure whether their leadership can post on here or on the IDHA facebook page. Regardless, there is no reason for folks that post on this site to make critical comments about any other organization. I honestly respect everyone who visits this site and would hope that all of us can rise above name calling, insinuation, bashing or other forms of such. I"ll say it again, the leadership of the deer groups, and IWDHM Is a deer group, period, should seek to sit down and talk amongst themselves and quite any type of crap on any website or facebook page or other media. I don't know every one of the leaders all that well, but I know they have energy and while they will differ on issues, if they could work together on certain issue they could possibly make some things happen.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"