I'm going to ask that folks try to refrain from addressing the IWDMA because I don't believe they are allowed to post on this site. I might be wrong about that but there isn't any value in being critical of other groups and doing such is counter productive. What needs to happen is dialogue between the groups because each group brings value to the table. Im not caught up in any assessment of information correctness or the like and from what I know do far, that group has initially started to address, or at least try to address, some issues that are supportive of the DNR needs and of course some aspects of the deer management process that other groups have had issues with in the past as well. They apparently are also looking to set up a state wide representative structure, something that the older groups have done or tried to do in the past as well. The older groups have frankly lost momentum and new energy and effort should be welcomed, even if no one agrees on all the issues. This site should not be an avenue for comment about other sporting groups but instead should be a site to state ones own thoughts and comments. Sorry for the mild rant but it is what it is.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"