Originally posted by jjas:
But we aren't talking about something subjective here. We are talking about the harvest numbers the DNR posted in their 2014 Indiana Deer Season Summary which I posted just as they did.

And while I understand the license side of the archery vs crossbow issue, on page 7 of the summary, you will find where I pulled the data I posted from table one. And within table one you will also see where the DNR combined the archery/crossbow harvest data together. So I did as well.


Have a nice evening.[/QUOTE]

The data may not be subjective, but how one interprets the data is absolutely subjective. For instance, I could say the 2014 harvest would have been 105,000 animals under the 2009 regs. I don't necessarily believe that to be true...but that is what the data suggests.

Regarding archery versus crossbow data...Table 3 on page 10 tells the real story. smile

There are none so blind as those who will not see.