I'm not sure where, when or who might have said that there was enough money and power to push any agenda through, but I can safely assure that there is no truth to that, not by an organization or for that matter individuals who are involved in the daily hunting debate. This is what is so pathetic about all of this. So much misinformation, folks saying things that are largely baseless and people letting emotions get the best of them.

The biologist only has certain influence. The DNR director only has certain influence. Sporting groups have a little influence. Individuals themselves have a little influence. The legislature as a whole or a select few of them have a lot of influence. Insurance companies have a lot of influence. Believe maybe 5% of what you hear and ignore the other 95%. Forget listening to anyone who pounds their chest and says they know what is going on because those directly involved don't know what's going on.

The sporting groups, the old ones, don't have any real influence anymore and haven't for some time. They did a LOT of good things and some things a lot of folks didn't like. Now, there needs to be new sporting groups evolving to replace the old ones and hopefully those new organizations will be able to structure in a way to have an impact on things. That said, no one organization will ever make everyone happy or satisfied. But, this whizzing stuff that is evolving in this thread is just worthless.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"