I drove through the park and had lunch in one of the picnic areas. You can see a visible browse line all through the park. Actually you can see a lot of deer standing in the road. You can get close enough to touch them in most cases. As we were going out we saw one of the maintenance trucks pull up to gated area near 71st street. Hanging out the back was a young doe that had been hit by a car. Even saw a pair of fawns with spots still on them. No bucks though. probably saw close to 70 deer in less than hour in the middle of the day.

They are numerous. Too many in fact. They really need to be thinned out. They are beautiful but I never saw a fat deer. They're eating anything in sight (except the Queen's Anne Lace). I can see a bow/crossbow hunt being easy to set up for Wounded Warriors. I hope they can do it.


There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .