So yes jjas.........there is a difference between those that put up Big Buck Pics......their finger print of who they really are is quite easy to see.......the wisdom in the "onlooker" though is the ability to see and accept the "difference". The difficulty sometimes lays with the "onlooker" though that just sees "Big Buck Pictures" by successful hunters.......and throws them into the same "trash bin" in their mind as those that just eat antlers for breakfast, lunch and supper and goes to bed at night turning off their antler lamp and pull up the covers with a quilt with some massive buck print on it............

I wasn't referring to anyone in particular, but if people see themselves in my comment, then perhaps some self reflection is a good thing.

BTW, If "someone" gets their jollies sleeping under a big buck quilt I don't care......I'd find it weird, but to each their own.....