Supposedly the teryx is going to be fuel injected this year. That would be my pick, but the rhino's are awesome too. I have ridden with alot of side by sides and they will go just about anywhere. What suprised me was how well they climbed. They were climbing stuff that we used to climb on our sport bikes, but don't even consider on our utilities. IMO they are definitely the best of both worlds. Good luck on whatever you get BOWBO. If you keep killin big deer like you did last year you better opt. for the one with the biggest bed.

195 1/8, 162 4/8, 157 0/8, 154 0/8, 152 4/8, 152 1/8......
"LUCK IS CREATED by hardwork and preparation."
PROSTAFF FOR...Tenpoint, Hoyt, Summit, Scentlok, Wildlife Research Center, Lucky Buck, Rage, Hunter Safety System