If it's legal to use the Strightwalled PISTOL Cartridges like .44 Magnum in a handgun, why not in a long gun??

DRS I know this is your "pet issue". But surely you already know that the primary reason has been stated many times in the past. In public forums, the DNR in the past would often get asked the question as to why centerfire cartidges are legal only in pistols. Their response has always been that it's a simple safety issue, as follows: Few use handguns. But, of course, most slug-gun hunters would switch to rifles if centerfires were made legal. Then we would have two-hundred-thousand-some-odd centerfires in our crowded Indiana woods, and that has not been considered safe.

OF COURSE, you disagree with that, but since you keep asking that same question when surely you already know the answer, I thought I would review it again for you.
