Originally posted by BIGBUCKS:

But then again if Indiana would require everyone to take a hunter safety class & a shooting skills test. MAYBE !
WOW!!!!!!!....... Back up the truck there BIGBUCKS and think for a minute........ Now what I am gonna say has nothing to do with pro/anti- rifles in Indiana.......

Having said that you need to think about this "shooting skill test? WHO is going to set the standard? Are you willing to let the GOVERNMENT the power to say yes or no to your ability to use a firearm? Thnik about it. WHAT IF we have an ANTI-gun administration in power. They can't pass legistlation to ban ownership of firearms or to ban hunting but they DO have the power to make the tests nearly impossible for ANYONE to pass. THUS achieving thier end goal..... Does this sound like a long shot? TRUST me it's not..........

By the way the idiots you see at wallmart the night before the opener are in EVERY STATE!... So your argument base on that doesnt pan out. You'll find the same fools in every state. I know because I have seen it.

Life is hard. Its even harder If your stupid!
John Wayne.