Hey Folks! I'm new here and am from Wisconsin. For all the time I have spent in Indiana, I have yet to hunt there, the only reaason being lack of opportunity and nothing else. With that stated, I am in a major quandry as to the restrictions that your state places on firearms that can be used. Smoke poles and smooth bores over a decade back were indeed much safer in an area where you may run into homes just the other side of the trees behind that deer thats 75 to 100 yds away, but today, forget it. Now I'm not bragging But I have taken and fired 5 Brenneke slugs out of my 24 inch rifled bore 870 into a connecting hole in the kill zone of a printed whitetail target at 250 yds using peep sights. The range master didnt believe it so he tried and did the same using the same ammo as I. And there are more powerful choices to be made. NOW PLEASE UNDERSTAND, I DONT BRING THIS UP TO CAUSE PROBLEMS. You see here in WI.we have zones and counties that are restricted just like your state is for the reason of saftey of the human population. Our shooting accidents tend to be mostly concentrated in the areas where it is shotgun and no rifle. This is not to say that is the cause, rather, these areas tend to be closer to metro areas and have excessive derpopulations and as such are overloaded with hunters. So it is a situation that the DNR created. and has nothing to do with the actual firearms themselves. We could sit down and research the pros and cons and keep going forever. What I wonder though is how much of the disdain for rifles is the result of tradition? Before anyone reacts lets take a look at what tradition has done for us. Look to the flag, the meaning it has, how many of you have ever been presented with the flag that dressed the casket of a spouse, parent sibling or offspring? What about the family traditions that we all carry on at holiday or birthdays, anniversaries and the like?
Seems to me that Traditionsare a lot more important than that old guy in "fiddler on the roof" sung about. Give it some thought. If your answer why you want it to stay the way it is, Is because it's the way you were taught, could the real reason be because thats the way YOUR father taught you and HIS father taught him and... you know THIS is an answer that deserves a massive amount of respect, if it is the true answer.