Originally posted by chicobrownbear:
Let me preface this response with this 480 - I really do sincerely admire your passion, and wouldn't mind maybe plinking with you someday. My aim was not to offend you, forgive my humor.

I didn't make an excuse, I posted a personal experience and you have blasted me (and probably hate me) for it. No, I am not with you, if you consider that against you, fine. The boxer comment obviously hit home, probably near your hamper.

Take home message - use honey, you'll catch more flies.
First of all-thank you for the compliment, it`s seriously appreciated. And I`ll offer up an apology. I`m very passionate about deer hunting, but multiply that times 1000, and that`s where I`m at with NRA. I know I get emotional and forget temperance when I`m debating Second Amendment rights.

Poor John Crone, he`s the Indiana field rep for NRA. I got emotional with a certain business owner, who didn`t donate to any of the NRA banquets, even though I knew he donated stuff for some of the specialty groups, DU and QU and so on. So word got to me that he had contacted Crone, upset with me. John`s question to him was; well, why aren`t ya donating to NRA? John talked with me about keeping my composure, but then shortly after, I got word of another comment that John had made about me. He supposedly said that, he could, and would teach me better ways to deal with people, but that you can`t teach someone that kind of passion, and that he`d take 10 of me any day. To this day, I consider that to be one of the best compliments I`ve ever received.

So I really do apologize for the way I might have come across to you, it wasn`t my intent. I do however; believe that Second Amendment rights are absolutely critical to our continued freedom. I also absolutely believe that without NRA, we would have a continual chipping away of those Second Amendment rights, and we would eventually end up like Australia, or the UK. And I pray the day never comes, but should the day come, when someone show`s up at the door to collect our firearms, well; I guess we`ll see where the rubber meets the road.