Originally posted by chicobrownbear:
I had been on the fence for a while on this issue. Then, the death nell for my consideration came...

At a public range near my home, I went to shoot. Mr. NRA (hat, jacket, bumper sticker and probably official boxer shorts too) was on the line with his muzzle loader. I hardly took notice at first, but then I heard quite a boom, and then laughter. I turned around and saw this guy FILL (not half, not a quarter, not three quarters full, but heaping) a 12 GA. shotgun hull with FF, dump it down the barrel of the muzzle loader, finish loading, and then prime the thing. I was in total disbelief. When I saw the hammer go back, I got back in the truck and began to distance myself (for what should be obvious reasons.) He then began to repeat the situation as I tried to figure out what else to do with my day.

I grew up with a muzzle loader in my hand, belonged to a competitive club even before I was old enough to shoot (thanks Pop). I knew that no muzzle loader on the market could take that abuse for long.

While I very much appreciate the overall mission of the NRA, and I am fully aware of the "few bad apples" adage, I decided that it would be better to distance myself from this gentleman and his organization.

I realize that this may very well have been an isolated incident, and I hope that this particular man has not sustained any injuries from his exploits.
You go out of your way to say that you realize that one such incident doesn`t implicate the NRA, nor every member, then you say that because of this incident, you`re not interested in NRA. All that, as you make take a shot at all of us, via the NRA boxers crack.
It`s really simple-either you`re with us, or you`re NOT with us, but save the excuses because you`re only talking to yourself. Those of us who are involved and trying to get things done aren`t listening, we don`t have the time. We`re only listening if you want to become part of the solution.
NOTHING is more important, more critical, than Second Amendment rights. Without the Second Amendment, we`ve lost all else, and there`s NO doubt in my mind that without NRA we`ve lost all Second Amendment rights. No other organization was involved in getting the illegally confiscated firearms back to the people in New Orleans who were simply trying to defend and protect themselves. Only NRA.
The you hear a comment like this: “Put a cool, gun supporting cowboy like Tom Selleck, Sam Elliot or Kevin Costner at the helm and you'll have my attention.”
That`s sad. It doesn`t matter that the purpose is noble, and necessary, but there`s gotta be something or someone who is likable enough to draw people, someone "cool". Someone like that isn`t needed anyway, because when their cool cowboy has to get dirty supporting the cause, or when it comes time to endure a little discomfort for the cause, they`re not gonna have the stomach for it, and the cool cowboy won`t be enough to keep them around anyway.
I had thought that everyone who was a gun owner understood and supported NRA, but if some of the comments here are an indicator, we are in deep trouble.