I was an NRA Member for many years, but quit several years ago for a couple reasons.

#1 The constant badgering for more money. Heck they probably spent $100 in phone calls and letters every year, just to me. That could have been used towards the cause. Pretty foolish in my opinion. Charge me higher dues if you need more money, but please quit calling and mailing me all the time. This was 90% of why I quit.

#2 Charlton Heston for a figurehead ... give me a break. The average person under 30-35 probably never saw one of his movies, or hardly even knew who the guy was. No doubt he was the man in his day, but a pretty poor choice by the NRA in my opinion. The dude looked like he was 100 years old up on stage.

So I quit paying the NRA and joined two other pro gun, pro conservation groups which I like much better; Safari Club International,and the Izaak Walton League of America.