June26, 2013 it was announced of a archery range being built in 750 acre "Koteewi Park" near Strawtown in Hamilton County. The range would consist of a target range, 3-D cours and pro shop. The DNR would grant 3/4 of the $715,000 dollars needed to complete the course. Planners said the course & range would meet Olimpic standards and were intending on bidding for IBO events & the 2016 Olimpic tryouts. Gert's Archery of Anderson was choosen amoung bidders to run the Pro Archery shop. But as to date not the first shovel of dirt has been turned. Does anyone have any clue of whats going on? Are they to busy with building the SR31 corridor between Wesfield & Carmel or another "round about" on a Hamilton County intersection. "Ol Madcow" is tired of driving half way across the state to shoot a decent 3-D course!

Definition of a "Non-Typical" Whitetail, A deer that stays off the highway...

70# Mathews "Creed XS" w/28.5"draw Sword 5-pin sight
Mathews "drop-away"/overdraw
Easton "BloodLine" 400 Arrows
"Rage" 3-blade 100g.broadheads
Mossy Oak "Break-up Camo