Notes from last night's Fish & Wildlife Conservation Committee meeting:

1. Current legislation - HB1292 (the annual DNR omnibus bill) will be heard in the Senate Natural Resources Committee on Monday. Expect the tree huggers to try and amendment the bill to stop logging probably on second reading in the Senate. Please contact your Senator and ask them to let DNR do the job they are paid to do and leave management of the state forests to the paid professionals.

2. With several departures and elections next year expect the political make-up of the House and Senate Natural Resources Committees to change. It's vital that we as sportsmen make our wishes known to these legislators to avoid screw-ups similar to the recent high powered rifle fiasco.

3. Coyotes - DNR has a FAQ sheet out on coyotes:

4. Interesting presentation on bobcats from DNR biologist. There are many people commenting on this proposed rule now and hearings are scheduled for March 14th and March 22nd in the evening at Spring Mill and Mounds State Parks respectively. Make your wishes known on the proposed bobcat season by attending or commenting on the rule.

5. There will be another Got INput Process starting probably March 1st. Suggestions for rule changes can be made during that 60 day period. Changes selected would likely not take effect until Fall 2019.

6. Currently legislation going through Congress that up the amount of Federal money state DNR receives up to ~ $20,000,000. This would include the P-R monies. Only hitch is the 25% match needed by the state. Need to figure a way to get that match and DNR will be rolling in dough.

7. Above program is called "Recovering America's Wildlife Act (H.R. 4647) and is a bipartisan bill sending a total of $1.3 billion to the states annually. Contact your legislator and show support for this bill.


There's a reason I like dogs better'n people... .